a Slouchy day

As weekend comes by ,laziness is creeping into my life. It’s been almost a month since I did something that was worth of my time or others. I'm slowly crawling into the wonderful world of sloths. It’s an amazing feeling to wake up every morning and realize that you have absolutely nothing to do and have all the day to yourself.
It does get boring after a while, but that's when my sense of randomness takes over and I end up doing the most ridiculous of things to keep myself busy. I'm trying to cross out a lot of things on my life and some of the things are way out.

This part of life is definitely not the best ever or maybe it would return in its ownd ifferent way at its own pace. But, before the big bad world turns back on me, I'm doing all that I can to live it up in a way it should.

It’s one of those slouchy days. I feel too lazy to even move my fingers or my butt. I would get myself glued on the chair. All I want to do is stare at what is going around me and be blank. Being unproductive doesn’t take me any where but more disagreement and dissatisfactions are piled on my mind.

Realization slaps across my face and the slouchy day after all turns out to be a productive day into something that was not planned. The dull boring day with some activities and that's where my thoughtful ends and I’m awakened from my long laziness!What a productive day though of something :)


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