
Showing posts from February, 2012

Feb-ulous 29th

Welcome 29th February . You are a Feb-ulous day but you were missed by 2008 , 2009 , 2010 and  2011. Seeya once again in 2017 ..!!!


They are not forgotten ! There were times where cobblers were well known and famous in mending shoes those were my grandfather's years. People tend not to spend so much so the mend their shoes when its broken. The time changed lesser cobblers seen ,as people were much concern in buying another shoe despite the broken one could be fixed. People don't realize at times your favourite shoe could be fixed back that it will look new again . But the cobbler was able to fix my shoe again but it cost me more than the price of the shoe.What a life !

Never to slip again

If I’m trapped between my feelings and what other people think is right. I choose whatever that makes me happy, others are there just to encourage me but they won’t feel what I’m going through. Feelings that I desire to loved and cared, feelings for happiness without any grudges and hindrance. I always hold tight them tight in my hands, sometimes they tend to slip through my fingers, and I can’t hold them back. Sometimes with these feeling, I have to learn to let go as it does not belong to me. I don’t have my own rights over my own feelings. I rather should never feel sorry for losing something I didn’t have and will never have. Feel sorry for someone who didn’t see me worth and never will. I don’t lose anything and they do not make any difference in my life. Nobody gets to live life backwards the reality is people come and go at times that aren’t always far. God allows us in situation where we go through a tribulation of life, trying to test our honesty in forgiving others. Sometimes

Fish the best !!

I was going through my twitter timeline when I was my friend's message tweeted on het status which says : “Whenever any of my girl friends come to me with boy trouble, the only thing I have to say to them is, "Plenty of fishes in the sea' :P” I replied : My bait is still not pick, it still lies at bottom of the sea . She replied : “Hahaha. U know what the say about the best ryte ? Its always hidden somewheree.” A lot of fishes the that wide sea but the best will hit my bait, keeping my fingers crossed. Year by year passing still waiting patiently.

Girl in a Red Shoe

For once in my life time I made a wise decision of adding some colours to my dull life. I bought a red show. Yes, a Red shoe but not as red as you may think. I wore it to workon the first of the week which usually should be “Blue” as per Monday Blues.Shoe matched well with my attire and wasn’t odd though. Simple and elegant I look for the day not sure how many people noticed me or my shoe. Feltnew feelings in me with bright colours reflecting upon my life and I was fullof smile too. A new change, a new mode and a new me. What did February do to me?Encourage myself to do a lot of things on my own decision. Wise thoughts andstill I need to let go of my lazy habits and get on track once again. I’mlosing and not the others. I can see a lot needs to be done in me and on me. I’mstarting to make the small steps to make the big jump soon. Hope it leads whereI should, somewhere I wanted to be. I have no intentions of replacing someone’s place or show. But to create my own platform, my own calle


After a period of a long time, finally I managed to pamper myself for this year. One of my resolutions was to pamper my feet and fingers with pedi and mani'cures. Managed to do it and they were looking awesome. Thank you to those who were patience and helped to clean and shape my nails to look beautiful. They did an awesome job to beautify my nails :))   I don't have beautiful feet or toes but adding some colours to my dull toes made them look beautiful :)). Ok! I have beautiful hands and fingers and it look more prettier with the colour's to brighten each of my fingers ! 

Two wheels !!

During my childhood I used to dream to learn few things. I've always felt that it was nice to have struggled in my younger days living life, otherwise I would not have had so many dreams. Again the pleasure of dreaming is equalled when you can achieve them personally. Ok! Too much dreaming and not doing anything will not take you anywhere. One of such dream was to learn cycling and own a bicycle. Bicycles are poor man’s transport even today in third world countries. I have grown up seeing people owning their bicycle with great pride.Cycle was the coolest thing in my era. Children with bicycles will parade their cycling skills. Children's cycling starts from a tricycle to a 4 wheeled bicycle and later the real two wheeled bicycle. I learnt cycling when I used to visit my cousins who used to live in the estates. Since there are less traffic and the safest place to learn cycling. I and brothers always took an oppurtunity to learn our cycling skills. It's easy to learn on

Found me !

Someone who came across of my blog wrote to me. Indeed I was floating in the air as someone liked my blog. It's rare to get someone randomly read my blog and mails personally to appreaciate it. "Hey hi kala, I was going through a blog named non-random-thoughts and i saw ur profile , the first thing which i read about u was ur introduction that touched my heart and after that i was curious to see ur profile. There are stupendous people on the blog but ur profile was the most interesting mainly the introduction, I am really influenced by you. after that i saw ur photo and name its look like ur Indian, u must be wondering why i mailed u? Its because i think u r a good person to be friend with " Thank you very much, I appreciate your understanding of who I am through my blog. I'm a very good and generously loving person. You can be my friend ;).

Optimistic believer

Being a believer and beliefs are my nature. Being optimistic is another thing which I might think a true believer would be. But why that is a true believer gets tested in everything in life. Why should he/her go through the worst trials and tribulation of life? Is it wrong being a true believer of a faith that was thought ever since young? Why” he” sees the wrong side? Why the unbeliever gets away with everything easily while the believer waits forever in life for the changes to take place. How are things judged in this way? There is no fairness and favourism. Am getting bored of this life. It tests me in everything. It gives me what I don’t need and I have to wait for what I need in a long waiting list which might not be fulfilled. Life is unfaithful of being a true believer. Nevertheless there are many sincere people but their voices never will be heard. Belief and God with hope with only hope works. Too much hope will also spoil the soup. Hence I don’t crib on my failures or dissati

A little Advice Without any cost

Everything in life comes in a cost. When you love someone, they love you back. When you smile at someone, they will smile back at you or when you help someone for sure they would pay that help back again one day. If has been a part of our human life, but I feel that one thing that does not cost anything but comes free and goes free is getting an advice, tons of advice is free. At any cost of good damn precious time is stolen for a piece of advice. When you are given an advice it’s not a must of giving back an advice. Does matter where ever I am, with who I am, someone for sure would give me a piece of advice on anything that might or might not related to me. Doesn’t matter at family event or anywhere, where ever the older in family get to together, for sure the Youngers will get the free piece to taste. The orders are always excited to give unsolidated advices. Be that it could be about education, job, marriages and current affairs. They can never ever run short of this gibberish that’

I wonder why…

I have always wondered why do people don’t change as everything around them changes from people to time. Some people could still stick with the same career or time that they had being following all these years. In today world, as to career life, people change jobs to seek for further experiences and exposures to seek further knowledge’s. But there also people who remain sticking to the same job for 10-20years strong. I know it’s the passion that’s keeping them going strong for all these years, but I am also doubtful if the same passion could last this long, than they should have achieved in life and had everything they wanted in life. But it’s not; they still remain the same old rag. They could never think out of the box. They did give a chance to be a little different and remain the same till now. When these people retire from their career, where do they stand? Those that thought of exploring different paths of passion or trying to expand their current passion into keeping their time


When I wake up from a real dream that just became unreal. I can’t instantly remember or recognize the face, but I never to remember where I could have seen that face. But I could feel I have seen that face before. As I woke I was trying to figure who was that face but there seems to be no memories of it. Dejavu in a dream seems to be real. I seek for my answer but never seem to find any clues. The dream dissolved from my memory and I can’t recall for that moment of wake. Once when I get to remember that face that came in my dream, but never though seen before. What was it trying to tell me? Do I need to save the world from something ? Or Am I going to win a jackpot? I never had a clearer picture of the face that had a serenity look with calmness in the eyes. Who was it? I’m still searching for that face that woke me up from my dream. Sometimes I think it’s my soul mate who probably I haven’t met, or sometimes I think to myself maybe it’s just my conscience. I feel there’s something tha


I’ve heard being honest is a good policy, but being dumb is the best policy I would say. Play dumb saves us from so many things. I myself am a little skeptical of doing something. I could bring myself to do anything, sometimes I lose it and get so angry, and it could be over something really stupid. When this does happen I feel like an idiot though. Because as the doubt arises, the feeling that I’m going to throw something at anyone by words uttered that’s not only looks laughably stupid but dumb of myself. These are the thoughts I’d never write what I wanted to write. Sometimes it’s better to write with an idea of,”Yeah! I’m gonna look stupid and that may sound stupid”. I’m going to try pulling something out deep within my soul and my thoughts, that I’m not silly though neither stupid nor dumb looking idiot. It’s just such a small change and I might still feel dumb that it’s taken me forever to understand and figure out. But maybe it’s a good thing too. I am willing to open my mind an

Once a rich Town

A small town that holds a history of the underground tin mine industry in our country. Just a straight road from Kuatan, all the way it ends at this small town. The mining history dates back in 1923. People’s life is simple and less of stress in this town. A really small and sleepy town this is what I experienced of this place over a weekend trip for waterfall adventure.  Houses are still in old style “malay kampong” houses and there ruins everywhere too. Majority are Chinese and followed by Malays. There are many old wooden shop lots and most of them are closed as people are moving away to bigger towns for survival. The town situated near to the river and on the main street there are an avenue of majestic trees which are very old indeed. Sungai Lembing was a major producer of underground tin . Hisotry of Sungai Lembing : The town developed in the 1880's when the British set up the tin mining industry, although the history of mining in this area extends much further back. F

Spoilt Trip

Rainy morning spoilt our waterfall trip. Heavy rain yesterday evening spoilt rest of our Sunday. Rivers swell with murky water. The whole town was sleepier today. We all woke late as we are suppose to be up at as early as 5am to leave for the waterfalls to catch the rainbow by 10am. Unfortunately all turned wet! I took a stroll in the rain to the morning market with my new found friends to have our breakfast and a hot local coffee. The people in town are only active during daylight and basically they are hawkers and farmers selling freshly home grown vegetables. There are some old time miners still living their lives in this memorable town. Since our watertrip was cancelled , we visited the Crystal house that holds a collection of variety of Crystal collected by this miner.  This Chinese old man who had worked in those mines for past 23 years before it was closed down in 1986. He had collected all sort of stones that he didn’t know they were worth when a geologist visi

Life is a book

I shared this on my twitter as I do short blogging in there and long blogging in here :)) This what I wrote There comes a time when I have to choose between turning the page or just closing the the book. Life is a book. Everyday is a new page. Every month is a new chapter. Every year is a new series. My life of each page in my life reflects of daily experience and thoughts. I share my life of my book as its always available to be read. Come on, start flipping your pages and read your life story rather than just reading the ending and closing the book. Its not going to end there, life has to go on. It should not stop right there, open an empty page in your life book and write in there. Life is wonderful journey, take a look at it, a glimpse of you today. The cover of the book might be just a simple title but the depth of the story has a strong meaning of your life. Start writing your book , I will start reading them :))

Up to Panaroma hill At Sg Lembing

The journey started from KL to Sungai Lembing in Pahang state at 12.30am.We charted a bus as there were about 36 people on this Waterfall trekking trip. I felt like a stranger as I was the only odd one in this group as all of them we Chinese .Ok! The bus driver was indeed an Indian, though I made friends later on when we had our interaction and all of them were very friendly and caring. We reached Sungai Lembing town at about 5am in the morning. We got ourselves refreshed and geared to hike the hill. It has been a while since I hiked the last. And I never knew what was waiting for me here in front this time. Alright! When I saw the steps going up, I gave a tap on myself convincing myself that I can make it to the top. It was very dark at 5am; we saw many people hiking as it was a weekend. Then I started my first few flights of steps with full of energy  than few flights and more flights of steps, higher and steeper it was going as journey become difficult .I had a torch as there

4th Generation On the way..!!!

Great excitement just burst into my family, a baby in the big family to arrive soon. I’m not sure should I be jumping in excitement too. But it’s great news for my family. My mum is all excited to be a grandmother. I’m happy for my brother. My brother and his wife are having a baby. My sister-in-law is just 1 month. Good news travelling to all my other family members and most of them are in shock of excitement than really getting excited. Why is that so? Because my brother just got married in November. And now there would be some peace in my mum as would be busy taking care of my sister in law. My mum is all excited and really happy. I have not seen this happiness in her for ages. Time has flown too soon and I’m still on the slow-motion mode. There were time when were brothers and sisters. And now my brother is going to be a father, am an Aunt and my parents are grandparents. Wow! What I missing here now. I will be seeing a niece/nephew in 8 months’ time.

Inspiration to Dream


Everything is Planned

I was a happy cheerful person. I always made everyone else smiling by entertaining them all the time. My friends always loved me for my wittiness and cracking jokes. Being jovial all the time I was also a responsible person. My family always was there for me and I was always there for them. I had everything, lovely family, beautiful friends that cared for me. I also did my duty to God not only for my religion but for all. I went to mosque, I went temple and I went church. I celebrated all festivals with my family and friends. I'm a heavy smoker and I do drink occasionally. I had a good , happy life with a decent job and good salary. Sometimes life is not the same it may look , it also changes and it did for me. My book of life, my chapters had an ending.I didn't know it came to end quite soon. Despite I had been living with a wonderful life. It's doesn't always end this way, everything has it own ending when my own life story had it's ending too. I was diagnosed wit

Title-less thoughts

It’s a little surprising that I have written quite a number since I started writing / blogging 2 years back .Being an active and passive blogger I find myself trying to change the look and the feel of my blog by exploring with different themes, colours and fonts, adding some new widgets that I come across from other blogs to make it more attractive to my dear readers if I had any. I try to make my blog very interesting and captivating to myself and other that come across my page. Finally I decided to remain with the current mystic look with soft colors that has some positive feels.I myself would be going through my blog most of the time re-reading my previous and current post. At times, I do wonder how on earth did I write or get an interesting title and then try to write something in there. To my surprise I don’t know how I could make it and surprisingly I could write better I think so! Writing is not easy, my thought always ponder about to find the answers and the right words. Someti

Love being Single!

Today is February 14, which means it’s Valentine’s Day. Everyone all around the world will be showing extra special love to their loved ones. More roses, chocolates and cakes would be sold. All famous restaurants and cafĂ©’s will be booked. Everything would be very expensive on this one day. Inflation in price hike up for 24hours and people don’t mind spending extra than the normal day. Why must we have a special day to tell someone that we love them or do special things for our the other,other ? I personally, would much rather get a bunch of flowers, chocolates, or go on a nice date on some random, unexpected night other than this day.  This is just my opinion and it might probably change if I was in a relationship but still I disagree. Firstly, the truth of me being in a relationship is out of questions. I’ve never been in a relationship that lasted till Valentine’s Day, It’s always was a “Hi and I guess we will just be friends” the end, so I would not know the extra special of that