Up to Panaroma hill At Sg Lembing

The journey started from KL to Sungai Lembing in Pahang state at 12.30am.We charted a bus as there were about 36 people on this Waterfall trekking trip. I felt like a stranger as I was the only odd one in this group as all of them we Chinese .Ok! The bus driver was indeed an Indian, though I made friends later on when we had our interaction and all of them were very friendly and caring. We reached Sungai Lembing town at about 5am in the morning. We got ourselves refreshed and geared to hike the hill.

It has been a while since I hiked the last. And I never knew what was waiting for me here in front this time. Alright! When I saw the steps going up, I gave a tap on myself convincing myself that I can make it to the top.

It was very dark at 5am; we saw many people hiking as it was a weekend. Then I started my first few flights of steps with full of energy  than few flights and more flights of steps, higher and steeper it was going as journey become difficult .I had a torch as there were no light to guide my way. There are many stairs and all heading up to which was to end soon!! Some parts had high steep steps as each steps varies. Only first 15 minutes way up, I almost gave up, panting gasping for my breath so much so, I could hear my heart beat drumming so loud dom!dom!dom! My friend was with me as rest of the group have head before me. I was the slowest and I was taking my time with every steps. The actual total time to reach the top should be in 45 minutes to an hour, it all depends on our pace and speed. I thought to myself this the rate of my speed, how long will I take to reach than?
Will I miss the beautiful sun rise? I told myself I have done this before, I have climbed over 417 steps to reach the pinnacle of “Ucchipillayar” temple on a hill in Tiruchy,India and Batu Caves with 272 steps in Malaysia. So this shouldn't be any difficult.
Ok! It was dark up there no light only torch to guide my every step on these steps. My friend was heading slowly in front maybe ten steps away from me. I turned to look at the back of me, no one was behind it was pitch black.
But to my worst nightmare I struggled so much my legs were getting stiff and getting weaker, my breath was very hard and I just felt like giving up. This was happening just half way through; i haven’t even crossed the half way, hehehe!!!
As I stop to gasp for more air, I watched the dark early morning sky, starry early morning sky filled with stars and with a crescent moon. Instead of using the torch to guide my way up as I was heading higher its was breaking dawn soon. I could see the bright skyline coming up further in front of me.
Than after few minutes I could see what was around me. I could only see beds of clouds that has covered the entire town, the air was fresh and the jungle around me was keeping me accompanied. The crickets were still cricketing and the birds were all awake welcoming the morning. I took my own stroll further up and I have passed my half way and I’m almost reaching to the top but the stairs never ended very soon either.
 At some part, there were paths to walk rather than the steps, So it was not difficult for but I still struggle on higher steps to carry my weight along. I could hear more people are coming behind me, groups of them. Ok, it was embarrassing to see me still climbing after hours and these people also have passed by me.
Some of them were very nice to encourage me not give up instead take my sweet time as the sun is not out yet. There were kids in those groups and they were fast on those steps. Most of the people were photographers, beginners and professionals. They were caring heavy equipment’s. Even they were struggling but somehow they were faster than me though. It's was past 1 hour, I made myself not to give up very soon and managed to reach the peak.
Wow! It really made me to take sometimes to reach the top. I was soaking wet and tired, but I remembered not to take too much of big breathe. Because the higher I reach, the thinner the air becomes.
Actually this hill was very high though! , higher than my experiences. I was surprised to see many people up there all geared and ready with their photography equipment’s to capture the first peep of the sun for today. I was actually above the clouds. I felt like jumping into the clouds to sleep. When I was a child I always had a thought if we could stand on these clouds. I have also blogged previously about clouds.

Ok! Back to my adventure, the morning view from the hill was amazing; everything was covered with these clouds. It was getting time for the sun to shine its rays, the sky was changing its colours, and there were different shades of colours reflecting in the sky.

Finally the sun was out; I took as many pictures as I could. My friends were creative to capture some interesting shots. We were there for another hour and after that started our journey back down the very same steps. It was easier to climb down the stair but not as easy I would say, as my every step, the weight was on my knee and feet. 


Furthermore it's not easy to climb down on these high steps. I stopped for rest while taking some pictures of the breath taking scenaries. At the end I reached the foot hill, it took me an hour as i was stopping over for pictures. The town was awake, morning markets and people were busy with their cores. They were just a number of people is this small town. 

It’s just a small town; I mean really, really a small town. Everything is in a walking distance, only with basic facilities nothing much of expectation. It's a historical town for its mining activities for tin during British ruling. Largest mining tunnels ever found in Malaysia. It was one of the richest towns those days but now it’s just a dead town with only tourist attraction

It’s an old place with old buildings, old streets and more of old people. Very quiet town not suitable for us as it’s a boring place. 
But when people look at me first thing that might run in their heads would be, “Will I be able to do it. Don’t judge about their body weight it’s the stamina and the strength both in mind n body.


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