Avoid Accident

The “Ops Sikap” which was launched 5 years ago to manage and monitor the traffic for road safety during the festive seasons. People do travel back to hometowns during the festive season and the highways would be full with traffics. However, the safety is neglected and the government takes all kind of safety measures to reduce the accident numbers every year but they tend to fail each time. 
Somehow, this time the Government is being a little adventurous by using new technique to play with human mind instead of the traffic. There would be signboards along the highways and other roads that tells motorists that they might risk death if they drive carelessly which will be set up at accident prone areas on federal roads throughout the country.
< will take a picture of the real sign board if I come across of one >
The signboards, which would say Pandu Laju, Maut Menunggu (Death awaits if you speed) “ are meant as a reverse psychology tool to warn road users to drive carefully
These signboards, which would be a part of the Road Safety and Monitoring Programme in conjunction for this Chinese New Year celebration.
Will this work? How road users can read the signboard? When they should be focusing on the drive and the road in front of them.


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