where am I
I need to move on in my life, it is time I better fix my life in order to settle in soon. Finally, I am getting the position to do so but it is not easy making the plans accordingly as most of the time it back fires.
Decision has been made a long time ago, is well thought out and will definitely be happening soon. I am just hoping to do it in such a way as to avoid too many unwanted circumstances.
Alright, I’m not sure at what stage I’m talking about but something’s or plan are in hand though. n any case, I'm really upbeat, positive, and completely optimistic about life again. It's amazing how having the ability to stand on one’s own feet is so key to self-esteem. I sometimes wonder how stay-at-home moms deal with that aspect of the situation. I have nothing against stay-at-homes, but having lived the life for the past year, I know I didn't like the feeling of being dependent on someone else for my well-being.
At any rate, I'm psyched for the future. Now I'm just counting down the days until I make it a reality.
Right now, I'm concentrating on me, though. Eating right, getting some exercise, and thinking healthy, calming thoughts. It's going to be interesting, one way or the other!
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