Is Google Translator Wrong..??

This online translator is just a guideline to translate something for our understanding. If it’s used for business related and professional use to translate something, than don’t blame Google translator is wrong.
Reasonly , The Defense Ministry used Google translator to translate direct Bahasa Malaysia sentences into English on Dress Code ethic. It was not checked for the grammatical mistakes and was posted on their website.
Not knowingly, there were careless mistakes and since it was a direct translate the whole English version was a disaster. The inaccurate translations had caused much embarrassment to the ministry.
It was recently reported in "The Star" newspaper that amusing translations of the staff dress code on the ministry's official website were being shared on social networking websites.
The ministry's website had published translations such as “clothes that poke eye”, a literal translation of “pakaian yang menjolok mata”, which in fact means revealing clothes in Bahasa Malaysia
Others included “collared shirts and tight Malay civet berbutang three”, which, in Malay, is "berkolar baju Melayu cekak musang berbutang tiga".

 “Another was the brief summary of the ministry's history on the website, which read: After the withdrawal of British army, the Malaysian Government take drastic measures to increase the level of any national security threat”.The ministry took down its English translated version several hours after it went viral on Twitter and Facebook.
I don’t blame Google for it as it directly translates whatever you give.I did a test as following in Bahasa Malaysia – “ Harap Padi makan pagar” was translated in English as “ Hope the fence to eat rice”.
I also tried this one “pakaian yang menjolok mata”  and i got the correct answer to “dress scantily”, how on earth did it translated to “clothes that poke eyes” as the claim. 
Where else the same “berkolar baju Melayu cekak musang berbutang tiga” was translated to “Malays fight fox collar shirts button three”

Curious! was it Google translator or a human translator that translated every single word directly.

 English being our second most used language and still Government could make mistakes. Lets implement more English based subjects in school. I guess they need to reconsider that, people are lacking to learn and understand their language especially those in the Government fields.


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