Chinese New Year

It was the 8th day of Chinese New Year yesterday and my neighbourhood was like a war zone at the middle of the night. Loud thundering blasts of fireworks and crackers. Despite the sound pollution, the sky was glittered with colourful firework. They were like magical dust thrown into the sky.

Some of my shots taken from iPhone. 

What an opportunity it was! The Chinese New Year is famous for its tremendous fireworks displays as the Chinese did invent the fireworks after all. Fireworks were erupting everywhere as you looked, in every possible direction. There were large, dramatic ones, full of color, lighting up the sky. There were also little rocket-like that snaps a quick flash of light in the air, but were quickly followed by a noise capable of shattering an eardrum.The thundering noise from the massive amount of fireworks exploding all around.  It’s a moments like these that you wish your eyes were made of video and that they could capture everything as you see, retaining it all. 
These are the moments where you have to consciously remind yourself to blink, as there was simply too much magnificence to take in at once.
I wondered if someone peeps from a plane that was flying above at that very moment; would have had a wonderful view of the fireworks below them.
The fireworks this year were wonderful and people were competing to blast them. Chinese New Year this year was the best to watch fireworks. There were many photographers too trying to get their capture the best to enhance their photography talents. I did not have my gadgets with me this time, missed it again.

Chinese New Year is extremely important for Chinese. Many restaurants and shops already closed almost for a week as this would be one the biggest holidays for people to return to their hometowns and be with their families. Gradually, the shops and restaurants will re-open after a week, but many will stay closed until the end of month.


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