Technology Creeping into Our lives ?

Everyday something new is created by technologically could be anything ranging from games to devices the list will keep going on if I start naming them. Technology has become part of daily life for all aspects. We can’t live without them. If we are dumped in a deserted nowhere lost island where not even a single technology could be used, we would go bizarre.
As we are born, we grew along with all these technologies and now we can’t live without them as being part of our daily life. Since I got myself technically involved into this technology world, I can’t resist or live without them. I have already had my share of social life long ago. Now it’s time to socialize with technology. 
A lot of time I find myself fiddling with my iPhone either I would be with Facebook, Twitter or updating my blog. This tends to happen even when people are around me especially my family and friends. My cousin would tease me, “There she goes started face booking and tweeting”. This annoys them as I would not be concerntrating in any of their conversations.Most of the time I find myself least talking or getting involved in any conversation but just fiddling with my dearest gadget though.

However, am not the only one in world is odd and hooked into this technology world. This gives me the certainity of comfort that I’m not alone. This actually makes us being anti-social, making us to be anti-social. 
The fact is that the “Social” media such as the Social networking are the bigger influences for making us being anti-social. We are more engrossed into this virtual world rather the lively physical world that’s around us. With all these devices we have today, it is undeniable that we are carried away.

But I know it’s not a healthy practice though. Children nowadays are getting more involved into these than they experiencing the real life experiences. If I look back into my childhood, how I grew up, where I had real adventures by falling, bleeding and getting hurt which has made me stronger physically and mentally to face the world now. Some of these bruises suffered from my childhood are visible and makes me proud to know I had real exciting adventures. Those days are gone when we were just hooked to TV and playgrounds.

As time goes on, we are heading into the future where these technologies and going to take over our physical world. Our children might miss the real adventure or will never have a taste of it at all. Why heading to future to soon, now itself these kids are too fond of social media and technology instead of running, jumping and kicking outside there. Even at school these kids are getting least involved in hardcore games or sports.

Even though the boost in technology and gadget are inevitable, we need get all the future kids to be engaged more in real games so they could be deprived from being socially handicapped. I myself trying hard to put my device away at times and start concernstrating to the world I am living and breathing .Of course , it’s easy to say than doing it but it’s not waste of not trying it.


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